Who we are

Jesuit Service Cambodia (JSC) is an international non-government organization (NGO) run by Jesuit Mission in Cambodia. We have been working in education, infrastructure development, health, and wheelchair since the beginning. The activities of JSC are divided into the Rural program – Metta Karuna – and the Special program. The Special program consists of Banteay Prieb, RDAS program, Ecology program, Ear clinic, Publishing Project, and Light of Mercy Home.
JSC are poresent in 8 places: Phnom Penh, Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, and in the bordering provinces of Kampong Speu, Kampong Chhnang and Kandal. Banteay Prieb, the vocational school for People with disability is located in Kandal district. Mekong Wheelchair and the office of Rural Development project which works with Farmer Solidarity and Khmer women Association in local communities are within Banteay Prieb compound.

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Our Vision

A society in which the highest four-fold Cambodian ideals of Metta (loving kindness), Karuna (compassion), Mudita (altruistic or sympathetic joy), Upekkha (equanimity).
JSC seeks peace, justice, equality and the fullness of life for all Cambodians.

Our Mission

To accompany and work with disadvantaged communities in upholding the rights, the welfare and the dignity of the poor by implementing programs that alleviate poverty, improve education and establish just relations in Cambodian society.

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Prior Values

Accompaniment that empowers – We believe that personal contact and being present with people can empower to new hope.
Diversity that enriches – The work of Jesuit Service has always been open and inclusive, a work of various people: of diverse races and nationalities, local and foreign, of disabilities and different abilities, of various religions and belief.
Preferential option for the poorest communities – It is clear to us that we cannot help all the poor. And so we shall purposely try to seek out the poorest and the most disadvantaged among them.
Creative and collaborative means – The myriad of problems and the depth of their causes and effects demands us to think creatively for solutions.
Grass-roots reflection that guide action – The process of searching for creative means to address problems in Cambodian society is discerning how to respond to the call of the times.

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